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5 Reasons You Should Cook From Scratch 

Womens hand folding bread dough on a counter with flour on it.

In a world dominated by convenience and pre-packaged meals, the art of cooking from scratch is experiencing a resurgence, especially among those of us wanting to be more self-sufficient and have more control over what goes into our food. Beyond the allure of farm-fresh ingredients and the satisfaction of self-sufficiency, there are compelling reasons why more people are choosing to cook from scratch.

In this article, we will explore our 5 reasons you should cook from scratch and how it is particularly beneficial for those seeking to save money and lead a more sustainable lifestyle.

Julia cutting homemade dough that she made from scratch with a knife on a wooden cutting board.

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5 Reasons You Should Cook From Scratch 

1. Cost-Effectiveness

Homemade gluten-free everything bagels that Julia made. She hopes to teach others to Cook From Scratch 

One of the primary advantages of cooking from scratch is the potential to save you money and cut down your grocery bills. Purchasing raw ingredients in bulk, especially when sourced locally or harvested from your backyard, tends to be more economical than buying pre-packaged and processed foods. By cutting out the middleman, you can significantly reduce your bills while enjoying higher quality, fresher ingredients.

Of course, there will be some upfront costs such as ingredients you do not already have in your pantry and the time it will take to learn how to make new foods(especially if cooking from scratch is new to you). However, in the long run, being able to make 4-6 batches of eight homemade bagels with a $6 bag of flour beats paying $4 for a bag of six bagels.

2. Reduced Food Waste

women with a spoon scrapping off avocado. There are tomatoes and cucumber also on a cutting board as she learns to cook from scratch.

Cooking from scratch allows for better control over portion sizes and ingredient quantities. You can optimize your meal planning and use perishable items before they spoil, contributing to a significant reduction in food waste. This mindful approach not only benefits the environment but helps you from throwing away food that has gone bad.

When you start to cook from scratch, you can prepare and freeze meals and ingredients for quick and easy access, making it easier to stop buying pre-cooked meals and frozen meals. Your freeze is one of the best tools you have when it comes to food preservation. If you want to learn more, check out our article “5 Ways Your Freeze Can Save You Money & Time”.

3. Healthier Choices

A women cracking an egg into a frying pan with vegetables all around the outside of the pan.

People who cook from scratch have the advantage of knowing exactly what goes into their meals. This control over ingredients enables you to make healthier choices, avoiding excessive additives, preservatives, and unhealthy fats common in many processed foods.

This is great for everyone, but especially for people who have food intolerances or conditions where they need to avoid certain additives. By being able to prioritize whole, nutrient-dense ingredients, you can make sure your meals are not only flavorful but also contribute to the overall well-being of you and your family.

4. Self-Sufficiency and Resilience

Homestead Fox's garden with four garden boxes full of veggies and two white arbours.

With the cost of living rising all around the world, being self-sufficient, especially when it comes to your food supply, can also provide you and your families reassurance that you have the necessary means to put food on the table and a backup supply (assuming you cook in batches). Not to mention, it is incredibly satisfying to be able to cook from scratch and know where your food is coming from.

By cultivating and harvesting your own produce, raising livestock (assuming you have land and no location restrictions), and preparing meals from start to finish, you will strengthen your resilience against external factors that may impact food supply chains.

5. Connection to the Land

Green beans in our garden that we use to cook from scratch.

One of my favourite reasons to cook from scratch is that it creates a deeper connection and appreciation to the land, your livestock and yourself. Growing, harvesting, and preparing food is hard work. It will test you, your crops may not always grow, you’ll battle endless amounts of pests trying to eat your harvest and so much more. But, it will also make your food taste that much better and your love for the land grow once you understand all the work and time that goes into it.

If you do not have the space to grow a garden, that’s okay! You can even start small by growing fresh herbs inside near a window or consider getting an AeroGarden, which allows you to grow fresh herbs, leafy greens and a few other vegetables inside your home.

There are many other ways you can connect to the land through cooking without a garden. One way is by shopping and supporting local farmer’s markets and butchers. This way, you know where your food is coming from, you are supporting your local farmer and their families and you can still find that connection by knowing it was grown locally for you to enjoy and create meals with!

How To Learn To Cook From Scratch

A tablet with a recipe on it that a women is about to use to learn to cook from scratch. In the background you can see vegetables that are blurred out.

Now that you know why you should cook from scratch, the next question you might have is how exactly you do that. If cooking is not something that comes naturally to you or is not something you have ever been taught, fear not! There are numerous resources both online and in-person that can help you learn to cook.

Resources To Help You Learn How To Cook From Scratch:

  • Cookbooks
  • Youtube
  • Online interactive cooking classes such as Cozymeal
  • Online recipes and video tutorials
  • In-person cooking classes
  • Cooking night with friends or family (learning with someone can it easier and more fun)

Learning to cook from scratch is a journey that takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself, celebrate small victories, and, most importantly, enjoy the process of creating delicious, homemade meals. As you gain confidence and experience, you’ll find that scratch cooking becomes a fulfilling and integral part of your lifestyle.

Tips For Learning To Cook From Scratch

Document Your Progress: Keep a cooking journal to document your progress, including successful recipes, new techniques learned, and any adjustments you made to improve a dish. This can serve as a valuable reference and motivation as you continue to develop your skills.

Learn Basic Cooking Techniques: Familiarize yourself with basic cooking techniques such as chopping, sautéing, roasting, and boiling. Understanding these fundamentals will help you form the foundation for more complex dishes and recipes as you go.

Start with Simple Recipes: Begin your cooking journey with beginner-friendly recipes that involve minimal ingredients and basic techniques. This will allow you to build confidence gradually and understand the basics of cooking.

Experiment with Herbs and Spices: Elevate your dishes by experimenting with different herbs and spices beyond just salt and pepper. Learning how different seasonings complement each other can greatly enhance the flavour of your meals. Start with a few basic herbs and spices and gradually branch out to new ones.

What are your reasons for cooking from scratch?

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