Our Story

About Homestead Fox

Hey there, I’m Julia, owner of Homestead Fox and co-owner of Fox Media Tech Inc. Living a self-reliant lifestyle has always been something my husband and I have dreamt about, but working long hours, opposite schedules and apartment living made this difficult for quite some time. A big turning point in our lives was when we bought our first house and started working full-time for our other blogs, My New Microphone and Hikers Movement, which have allowed us the freedom and time to transition into our little homesteading life!

We fully understand what it’s like to start this journey on a budget and with limited resources. We had to learn how to make use of what we had, take things slowly and figure out affordable ways we could transition our lifestyle. After all, homesteading is not about having the largest property, the most photographable home or expensive gear. It’s about being resourceful by using what you already have and learning new skills to create a self-sustainable life!

Welcome to Homestead Fox! We are the Foxes from beautiful Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • Neither of us grew up on farms or homesteads. In our first year, we had to start everything from scratch.
  • We had no one to teach us about homesteading, so we had to learn a lot of our knowledge through trial and error.
  • Our skills were not learned overnight. We spent endless days, months and years learning from our mistakes, and we are still learning more each day.
  • We didn’t have the finances to grow our homestead as fast as we’d like to. However, we learned to make it work on a budget and to slow down and start small.

Our goal is to inspire and help others live a more self-sufficient lifestyle

We have always been passionate about self-sufficiency, DIY projects, and sustainable living. Once we moved out of our city apartment and bought our first property, I started researching how to practice homesteading. After endless hours and time researching, trial and error became our new best friend to learn firsthand how to start creating our journey to a self-sufficient life.

I created Homestead Fox to help others learn how to be more self-reliant and hopefully answer all the questions that come up when you first get started raising chickens, preserving foods, gardening and more.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story. I hope you find Homestead Fox to be a useful resource that helps you and your families learn how you can get started and learn homesteading skills, no matter the size of your property or experience level!

Do not compare your homesteading growth to others

One thing we want to make clear, everyone’s homesteading journey is diverse and will look different. Not everyone has access to acres of land, endless resources and time to learn this way of life overnight, and that is okay! Take your time, start small, work with your own budget and do not compare yourself to those you see online.

Learning to homestead is not as glamorous or easy as it may appear on social media but there is so much beauty in the growth and process of starting a garden, raising livestock and learning ancestral skills so enjoy every minute of it!