
What Do You Feed Ducklings?

A brown and yellow duckling in Arthur's hands.

Raising ducklings can be a rewarding and fun experience. Ducks bring unique advantages to your backyard flock such as natural pest control, weed management, and, eventually, a steady supply of eggs or meat. However, ensuring they receive the right nutrition from day one is key to ensuring your ducklings grow to be healthy and happy ducks.

Unlike adult ducks, ducklings have specific dietary needs that play an important role during their first few weeks. Providing a diet rich in protein, vitamins, and essential minerals will help your ducklings develop strong bones, healthy feathers, and robust immune systems. In this guide, we’ll explore the best foods to feed your ducklings to promote optimal growth and well-being.

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Best Foods To Feed Ducklings

Ducklings have unique dietary requirements compared to other poultry, such as chickens, which can mean they benefit from specific feed types and certain nutritional supplements.

A yellow and brown duckling drinking water out of a metal bowl with duck feed nearby.

Starter Feeds for Ducklings

When it comes to feeding ducklings, starter feeds specifically formulated for waterfowl are an excellent choice. These feeds provide essential nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals necessary for healthy growth. Look for starter feeds with around 18-20% protein content, which helps support their rapid growth during the early stages.

Fresh Greens And Vegetables

In addition to starter feeds, ducklings can benefit from a diet rich in fresh greens and vegetables. Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and lettuce are nutritious options that provide vitamins and minerals. Vegetables like peas, carrots, and cucumbers can also be offered in small quantities. Chop or shred the greens and vegetables into small pieces to make them easier for ducklings to consume.

Protein-Rich Foods

Protein is needed for the development of strong muscles and feathers in ducklings. Along with starter feeds, you can supplement their diet with protein-rich foods such as mealworms, earthworms, and small insects. These treats not only provide an additional source of protein but also encourage natural foraging behaviours in ducklings.

Access To Clean Water

Water is just as important as food for raising healthy ducklings. Make sure they have access to clean, fresh water at all times for drinking and bathing. Shallow dishes or waterers designed for poultry are suitable for ducklings. Change the water regularly to prevent contamination and ensure it stays clean.

Can Ducklings Eat Chicken Feed?

Ducklings can eat indeed chicken feed, but there are a few important considerations to keep in mind to make sure they are getting the nutrients they need:

Protein Content

Ducklings require a high-protein diet, especially in the first few weeks of life. Chick starter feed typically contains around 18-20% protein, which can be sufficient for ducklings, but make sure it doesn’t exceed 20% protein to prevent overly rapid growth, which can cause leg issues in ducks.

Niacin Supplementation

Ducklings need more niacin (vitamin B3) than chicks do as it helps with bone and joint development. Standard chick feed often lacks sufficient niacin for ducklings. Without extra niacin, ducklings may develop leg deformities and other growth issues. If using chick feed, consider adding a niacin supplement. You can also use brewer’s yeast, sprinkling a small amount into their feed to boost niacin levels.

Avoid Medicated Chick Feed

Medicated chick feed is often used for chicks to prevent coccidiosis, but is generally not recommended for ducklings. The active ingredient in medicated feed, often Amprolium, is safe for chickens but can be harmful in larger quantities for ducks. Look for non-medicated chick starter feed if you plan to use it for ducklings.

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